This post has been taken from the Japa Group -
Nastyeva! Nastyeva! Nastyeva!
Some time ago I read a very nice book entitled Legacy of Love: A Servant's Quest that speaks about the life of a very wonderful devotee of Lord Krishna named Hladini devi dasi, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada. I found the following letter from her to be really inspirational. And that's her on the picture together with Lord Jagannatha:
Some time ago I read a very nice book entitled Legacy of Love: A Servant's Quest that speaks about the life of a very wonderful devotee of Lord Krishna named Hladini devi dasi, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada. I found the following letter from her to be really inspirational. And that's her on the picture together with Lord Jagannatha:
"I received your wonderful letter it was so nice to hear from you. But I am going to VERY INFACTICALLY AND LOUDLY PROCLAIM ... NASTYEVA! NASTYEVA! NASTYEVA! There's NOTHING more important than chanting those rounds VERY DEEPLY! So many wonderful devotees became prey to illusion simply because they let down their guard. If you maintain 16 rounds and the regulative principles you are completely protected by Guru and Krishna, but any lack is most dangerous. It's like coming to Africa with no vaccinations! (This place is HEAVY DUTY). All our Enthusiasm, Determination and Patience and Perseverance is in those glorious Names. Don't chant inattentively. The earlier you chant the sweeter it is- no static in the air. It's like tuning a radio, there's one fine point without any static. So we have to practice and search for Krishna in His name. Ultimately it's not a mechanical method. When Krishna is pleased by your struggle and perseverance to contact Him He reveals. This process is SO PERSONAL. Krishna wants to give us everything but we are so slow. That's why association is everything. You must BECOME the association. One small candle can burn down an entire fortress. One enthusiastic devotee can inspire masses. This process is so powerful, so dynamic, but the devotees aren't going deep into it. Then when Maya comes with her army of obstacles and allurements there is no higher taste to combat."
Letter from Hladini to Yamuna, February 23, 1989