Saturday, September 26, 2009

Nitya-mukta and Nitya-baddha

...Krsna's spiritual form has all qualities in full, and those qualities are naturally present in the living entities in minute quantity. The independent nature of Krsna is found insignificantly in the living entities. For this reason the living entities claim to be independent. As a result, all living entities have developed different propensities. By one propensity the living entity searches for his own happiness, and by another propensity he searches for Krsna's happiness. Thus living entities are divided into two groups-those searching for their own happiness and those searching for Krsna's happiness. Those who search for Krsna's happiness are called nitya-mukta, and those who search for their own happiness are called nitya-baddha...

- from SBL: Six Faults that Destroy Bhakti, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I don’t feel like studying!! Tell me something new.
Well, I was just inspired to write. For the 100th time or something. But now I hope this inspiration stays. So do I hope for all the wonderful inspirations I get. I guess its more up to me to keep these inspirations alive by actually acting on them. And not just wishing that they stayed. Point. Hey, im a genius :P

I make so many resolves. That from today, or tomorrow, or from this date, I will start doing this, or stop doing this. And depending on whether I am faithful to these resolves, I see myself changing, for the better. I think the most important thing is to take it seriously when it hits you. And even when after sometime it doesn’t sound that appealing, just know that ur mind is just like ur body: it keeps changing. Don’t let the inspiration fade away.

Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.
Thomas A. Edison

That means im no genius :P