Thursday, December 23, 2010

Higher Education and Career in Krsna Consciousness

Krsna is amazing. He just sent me this wonderful post at a time when I (and people around me) need it the most. I read this post at a devotee's blog. Here is the link.

Young devotees, especially girls(!) come across this dilemma sooner or later.

"If you are serious about Krsna consciousness, then why do you want to give your time to higher material studies, or working in the corporate world? But everyone works, and if you earn more money, you can use it in Krsna's service." Different devotees have different views.

Its difficult to make a determined decision unless you have the right people to advise you, and ofcourse, unless you truly know what your goal in life is.

Before making a decision, its very very very important to know how Prabhupada wanted us to live our lives as devotees, and how he wanted us to serve Krsna.

Lets hear it from HH Romapada Maharaj.

Srila Prabhupada ki Jay!

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